3rd Quarter Parent Letter

Dear Parent/Guardians:


3RD Quarter REPORT CARDS were distributed via student CYDI email. Please check your son/daughters email for grades. Student work completed March 17th - March 30th did not negatively impact your son/daughter’s grades or academic standing; those days were counted as Acts of God Days.


A student that has an “I” (Incomplete) in any course means that the student was failing the class prior to March 17th; there is still time to make academic improvements in any course during the 4th Quarter.  Students are expected to complete coursework online via Google classroom and to complete Instructional Learning Packets. Please continue to encourage your son/daughter to use his/her school email address to connect with teachers.

The continued success of your child during this pandemic is a cooperative effort; feel free to contact me at kgreen@cydihs.org or 773.224.2273 ext. 660 and leave a message and I will return you call.

Be safe!

Keena Green, Principal