Re-Opening Update

CYDI Parents/Guardians & Students,

Our fall 2020 plans will require us all to continuing working together. I'd like to thank you for your patience and understanding as our team works to develop an all-inclusive re-opening plan for a safe return this fall. We believe that in-person leaining, and social-emotional suppmt is best for our students. We also believe that students engaging with their peers and our caring staff is beneficial to not only their academics, but especially their social-emotional well-being.

Based on state and local guidance and given the opportunity to re-open safely, we intend to open our school, September 8, 2020. We are planning to deliver instruction in a hybrid manner, including online instruction, blended learning, and face-to-face instruction. Our all-inclusive hybrid model will include organizing students into "cohorts" with days of in-person instruction, opportunities for social-emotional well-being and support, as well as days of online learning from home each week. Parents and students will be allowed to choose from various student schedules, including the option of 100% remote-learning from home.

We are also planning a new and returning student orientation, which will include virtual and in-person options. These rotations will consist of a small number of students per orientation session along with one parent or guardian per student. A layout of our hybrid model student schedules and the dates and times of the orientation sessions will be made available the week of August 17th via our CYDI website (, direct email correspondence, and power announcements.

Health & Safety

To ensure everyone's safety, we are being especially cautious as we develop procedures to adequately protect our students. To that end, we are implementing temperature scans at the front entrance, along with hand sanitizing stations throughout the building. Masks must be worn by everyone and appropriate social distancing guidelines will be followed in the common areas, classrooms, hallways, and offices. Access to the school will be limited to staff, students, and a limited number of approved visitors.

In the event of an outbreak, we will take immediate action to protect the health and safety of our students and staff. This may include, adjusting our daily schedule, students schedules, building access and/or a temporary in-school closure to a 100% remote learning model for everyone.

If there is a surge of COVID-19 cases within the coming weeks, adjustments to our fall 2020 plans may be necessary. Specific details regarding health and safety procedures will be posted on our school website.

Thank you for staying connected to us; safety and education remains our number one priority. Feel free to contact me at or 773.224.2273 ext. 660 and leave a message and I will return you call.

Keena Green, Principal